healthcare workers walk down hallway near busy nurse station

What to Do About Wasted Administrative Hours in Your Hospital

The New York Times reports that the U.S. leads the world in healthcare administrative costs, citing findings from a 2018 study comparing global healthcare expenditures. Why? The complexity of our healthcare system, for one, but also “hiring and managing doctors and other employees” and “maintaining information systems,” says the Times. If wasteful administrative hours were…

A little girl is at the doctors office for a check up. A nurse is sitting with them and talking to the mother.

What Is the Best Approach to New Grad RN Transition to Practice?

Graduation season is here, and it’s time for many facilities to hire new grad nurses (NGRNs).  Our Chief Clinical Officer, Bambi Gore will be answering a series of important questions hospital leaders should be addressing about attracting, retaining and supporting NGRNs. The SimpliFi team and I welcome you to contribute to the conversation! Question: Is…