Top 6 Strategies for Reducing Your Agency Labor Spend
According to a recent survey conducted by the American College of Healthcare Executives, workforce challenges – specifically the shortage of registered nurses – ranked as hospital CEOs’ No. 1 concern for the second year in a row, edging out financial challenges to top this daunting list. Reducing workforce costs while maintaining the staff necessary…
SimpliFi’s Quality-Driven Approach Gets the Right Clinicians on Your Unit
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the healthcare sector to add about 2.6 million new jobs through 2030, and there are expected to be about 203,200 openings for registered nurses each year. While the demand for RNs is evident, the turnover seen in U.S. health systems is astounding. According to the “2022 NSI National…
Preceptor Training for Nurses: Helping New RNs Transition To Practice
A strong core nursing staff, confident and competent in their skill set, is crucial for hospitals as the population ages and seasoned nurses retire. But with new nurses leaving the profession at an alarming rate, hospitals are struggling to keep enough nurses at the bedside. A long nursing career starts with a successful beginning, and…
How to Help New Nurses Become Confident RNs
Many hospitals are struggling through today’s post-pandemic circumstances, which include staff burnout, constant pressure to keep operating costs down, and a nationwide shortage of healthcare professionals. Additionally, at least 17.5% of newly minted registered nurses quit within a year of starting their first jobs, though that number has likely grown during the pandemic. With this…
SimpliFi: A True Partner to Health Systems
SimpliFi MSP seeks to disrupt the healthcare staffing industry, which includes an estimated 1.7 million travel nurses in the U.S., with unique solutions for hospitals to more effectively manage workforce spending and reduce their reliance on contingent labor. Today, U.S. hospitals have challenges keeping patient floors and specialty care units open without travel nurses. But,…
SimpliFi Helps Kick the 2022 Courage Ride Into Gear
The Mary Bridge Children’s Courage Ride held in Washington state has supported child abuse prevention and treatment programs for several decades. The weekend event, hosted by MultiCare’s Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital, draws crowds of cyclists and supporters yearly to Leavenworth, Washington. In 2022, SimpliFi sponsored the event, rallying internal employees and traveling healthcare professionals to…